Community near Arua Hospital have complained bitterly over the smell from the Hospital Lagoon

todayMarch 25, 2022

By Joseph Abiria
Communities living along Arua Hospital Lagoon are provoked by the continuous smell of sewage from the lagoon.

According to Yasmin Night a resident of upper bibia cell, the lagoon has become a menace in the area. The lagoon has become a death trap in the area since its surroundings are not safe due to the fact that communities living in here are most likely to contract diseases because the community members even draw water from the near by stream for domestic use.

Meanwhile Safi Ondoga points out that the smell of the lagoon cannot be compromised with. Ondoga says he is always drilled by having sleepless nights due to the persistant smell that comes from the treatment plant.

Similarly Ivan Sukuru the LC1 chairman of upper bibia cell says that they are strongly advocating for the lagoon to be removed in the area.The chairman says if nothing is done to fix the problem, he will mobilize the community to do a demonstration. But several attempts to seek for responses from Arua regional referral hospital director was futile as he did not respond to our repeated calls.

COVER PHOTO: Arua Hospital Lagoon By Joseph Abiria

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