todaySeptember 4, 2023

By Joseph Abiria


In a bid to improve performance in church founded schools in Madi West Nile diocese, the education committee of the diocese has decided to start awarding candidates who perform exceptionally well in academics. 

While releasing the pre-mock results at the diocese, Ajuma Ben Solomon, the vice chairman of exams committee noted that the performance of candidates has slightly improved compared to that of last year.

There are over 180 primary schools in madi and west nile diocese, but over 10  schools did not seat for the pre mock examinations,  the education committee  has therefore  considered   to summon head teachers who did not  let their candidates  to seat for  these  examinations.

Zackary Alio, is the education coordinator of Madi West Nile diocese, “Awards be considered for best performers, these archdeaconry schools and then learners for rewards and sanctions for head teachers who are saboteurs, they should be summoned before this committee”, he said.

The inspector of schools for Madi West Nile Diocese Rev. Can. Kalebu Draonzi emphasized on the need for schools to strive for academic excellence, “diocese is concerned with performance, how can we improve on performance, I think the education department has taken it up that let there be this kind of thing, examinations to check up how the pupil has learnt and this can be reflected when they test their ability,” he remarked.

A total of 4250 candidates sat for the premock examinations in madi and west nile diocese, but only 57 obtained division one, 495 got division two, 346 were in division three and 547 were in division four while the rest were in division X and U.

COVER PHOTO: Rev. Can. Draonzi Kalebu Inspector of Schools Madi West Nile Diocese By Joseph Abiria


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