todayJanuary 19, 2024

By Samson Ganiko


The local council (LC) one chairpersons in Moyo district have vowed not stop charging locals for stamping their documents. This follows the directive of the minister of local government Raphael Magyezi asking them to stop levying charges locals for the service of government stamps.

The local government minister Mr Raphael Magyezi, Issued the directive on Wednesday 3rd, January, 2024, while addressing leaders during a cadre training held at the Northern Uganda Youth Development Centre in Omoro District.  During the function, the minister directed village chairpersons to stop charging residents for stamping on their documents and other services saying the local council chairpersons were given the stamps not to make money but assist community members in accessing services.
Mr. Maiku Ipe Frank, the LC one chairperson of central one cell Moyo town council opposed the directive saying the statement does not hold water because we as LCs, we are not on monthly salaries like other government servants.  “The minister is aware that service given must be paid for and he is aware that we as LCs not getting salaries or emoluments. When we are issuing letters we use materials and if we don’t charge where shall we get the materials,” said Maiku.
Mr. John DK the LC one chairperson for Besia Cell Moyo town council, says the directive of the local government minister is inhuman.  Mr. DK noted that they are also human begins like the minister citing that the minister must not take their job granted. “Frist of all the minister himself operators on budget, and his budget has stationaries, prevision for Air time, transport and everything that he needs for administration or operations his office,” Mr. John DK said.

He added that the local government minister must exactly know that LC one chairpersons are the foundations of the government. 
Similarly, Mr.  Drumudu Zakary, the LC one chairperson of Elenderea East Village in Moyo town council, said the directive could be effective only if local council one chairpersons have monthly salary.

COVER PHOTO: During NRM Primary elections in Moyo town council, Moyo district. By Inyakuni Kennedy

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