todayJuly 31, 2023

By Bridget Agenorwot


Rotary club Gulu Cluster has officially kicked off preparations for the forthcoming cancer run scheduled for the 27th of August 2023 with the sole aim of raising two billion shillings for the construction of a cancer institute at Nsambya Hospital in Kampala city. For Acholi subregion, the run will be at Kaunda grounds in Gulu city.

David Labeja Otto, the president of Rotary club Gulu city cluster is urging members of the public to overwhelmingly support this noble cause as the country grapples with high cancer burden. “As Rotarians, we are light minded people, we are here to serve irrespective of skin colors, ages and religions” he said.

David Labeja Otto (center) President of Rotary Club Gulu city Cluster launching the cancer run

Jolly Laker Grace, the president for Rotary club Gulu district cluster calls upon health partners to support this cause. Laker added that there will be free screening for breast cancer, cervical cancer, and some other tests. “We are going to offer a number of health services during the cancer run, for example, free screening for breast cancer, cervical cancer screening, among others,” she said.

Calvin Oneka, an employee of Centenary Bank Gulu branch is perturbed by the statistics showing that at least 33,000 people are diagnosed with cancer every year in Uganda and out of those only 7,400 always get medical care from Uganda cancer institute. “As Centenary Bank we are supporting this initiative because cancer burden is enormous and we need to really support cancer patients for them to at least live longer”, he said.

The national event will take place on the same day at Kololo independence ceremonial grounds in Kampala.

COVER PHOTO: Rotarians at the launch of the cancer run By Bridget Agenorwot

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