todayAugust 8, 2023

By Stephen Unzimai


Moyo district leaders have encouraged local farmers in the district to embrace micro irrigation scheme projects. Micro irrigation project is a government project funded by World Bank to increase agricultural production and productivity. The call was made during training of selected farmers drawn from sub counties in the district held last Friday at the district headquarter.

The scheme allows farmers to continue farming regardless of the seasons through the use of water pump machine for irrigating crops.

Mr. Amegovu Dominic, the Moyo district commercial officer explains that micro irrigation project is a plan for the farmers to have a continuous production. “It is a strategy government has brought to move away from idea on producing only during rainy season, now we are going to have continuous production in Moyo so that what we consume comes within the community” Mr. Amegovu said.

A section of farmers in moyo district attending training on Micro irrigation scheme project.

Mrs. Jesca Onyiertho, the Chief Administrative Officer for Moyo district appealed to farmers to embrace the project. “The equipment will help you to produce enough crops, there are others who might not be aware or unable to afford the machine, cooperate and bring more farmers on board to change lives, “Please let’s take the project serious,” Mrs. Onyiertho said.  Mrs. Onyiertho emphasized that the selected farmers should be agents of change to the community of Moyo district.

Mr. Andu Richard the district vice chairperson, said the purposes of bringing such a government projects is to increase household incomes and fight poverty. “Nobody will come from elsewhere to develop Moyo district, it is the indigenous of the district to make the miracle. This can best be done by embracing government programs which are all geared towards poverty eradication.”

However, Mr. Nyadru Nasuru, the district senior agricultural engineer says the project comes with its terms and conditions. “For you to acquire the irrigation machine you need to have a land at least two and a half acres, a reliable water source which should not be far from your garden, and your willingness to co-fund for the machine. Mr. Nyadru said. He also added that farmers should be able to plan for high value crops for income generation purpose.

According to the terms for a framer to access the water pump machine for irrigation, he /she will pay one million Ugandan shillings, out of which 70% is paid by the government and farmers pay the 30% of total cost.

COVER PHOTO: Moyo district leaders addressing Farmers By Stephen Unzimai

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