Cross Boarder Business raises demand for Chicken and Goats in Arua City.

todayApril 2, 2023

By Sunday Amandi

Arua city

The businesses of selling chicken and goats have become so lucrative in Arua city, yet few people still embrace them. The demand for chicken and goats has risen up in the city, owing to the increased number of people, and the cross boarder business.

According to David Nyakuni, who deals in local chicken in the chicken market at social center within the city, due to the high demand for chicken in Arua city, they are required to buy chicken from Lira, as the supply from within is so low, and cannot meet the market demand. “Each time the demand for chicken is very high but the supply is low, making the prices to go higher. There are few people keeping chicken in our area here, and this makes us to buy chicken from Lira, “Nyakuni said. Ismail Onzima, who does the same business in Arua city, attributes the rise in chicken price to the cross boarder business. “The demand for chicken is so high because people from the neighboring countries also come and buy chicken from here, “Onzima said

Chicken at the Social Centre Market

Poultry and goat rearing contribute to improved human nutrition and food security by being the leading sources of high quality protein. Majid Chiriga, who sales goats in Arua city abattoir says, goats have become so expensive in the city because of low supply, Poultry business is highly profitable if it is properly run under the suitable methods, and goat rearing, which is also a good business is generally easy because most areas have a variety of shrubs and grass.

COVER PHOTO: Goats fro sale By Sunday Amandi

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